Friday, October 31, 2008

En route to ubuntu 8.10


Anonymous said...

It is always difficult to predict the baiduimpact of any updates on the []google[/url]price of any items within the game, but if even half the [url=]sina[/url]number of stakers quit that have [url=""]baidu[/url]threatened to then the supply of rares will also be reduced as they are [link=]yahoo[/link]taken out of the game on retired accounts.

Anonymous said...

Jagex likes to track these accounts runescape money grand exchange will both effect the RS economy alot.People will probably buy rares for much less so prices will go down.Though if some runescape gold prices go down there will be less bots so there is some good thuings. I think now stakers will maybe use other combat mean to raise and the duel arena will be more for fun then runescape accounts profet.k.